Seek The Positive.
That’s the idea behind these simple yet eye catching bracelets.
Founder, Daniel Kasidi came up with the concept of Rastaclat by taking something as ordinary as a shoelace and turning into something special, going back to his days skateboarding when he was in school. Daniel started wearing braided shoelaces on his wrist, it was not long before his friends took notice and Daniel was making and selling them at his school. But it was never about the money, rather it was the positive emotions and stories that came from the bracelets he made.
“A brand isn’t your product. A brand is how you make people feel. A brand is how you bring people into the community. People that buy our brand are buying into positivity.”- Daniel Kasidi
Rastaclat bracelets constantly reminds us to keep a positive outlook towards everything we do, inspiring and challenging us to have a mindset that seeks the good, for others and ourselves. For more rastaclat box.
Rastaclat bracelets are available in a number of styles- braided, single band, multiple bands, for men and women, all carry the same message of spreading positive vibrations.
Check out the Rastaclat collection on